At Cape Comorin Swami Vivekananda was filled with joy and immediately rushed to the temple. As He came out of the temple his eyes fell upon the Rock. The Ocean was full of waves but still Swamiji reached the Rock by swimming. His heart was filled with emotions. He almost had traveled across India and realized that the Indians are starving to death, no proper education and at some place no education at all. He sat on the rock and recalled the pitiable conditions of the Indian masses which He had seen with his own eyes. He asked to himself what is the duty towards this situation? He remembered that as a sannyasin He had taken the oath to dedicate himself in service of country. Men are living the life of animals due to ignorance and poverty. To improve the conditions of these men food and proper education with science and technology must be given. Teaching metaphysics to an empty stomach is madness. He needed men. Men with no selfishness, no jealously and free from all worldly ties. But where to find these men to regenerate India? His eyes fell upon the numerous monks who had renounced the world. Here Swamiji wanted to inspire these monks and make them to dedicate themselves in service of country.

Swamiji wrote- "Suppose some disinterested sannyasins bent on doing good to others, go from village to village disseminating education in various ways to better the condition of all. Down to the untouchable through oral teachings, by means of map, globes, magic lantern and other accessories. Would this bring forth good in time?. If the mountain does not come to Mohammad, Mohammad must go to the mountain. We as a nation have lost our individuality. We have to give back to the nation its lost individuality and rise the masses".
He again went in to deep thinking that to accomplish this great task where can he get source from. He himself is a penniless beggar. Few people in India are rich but did nothing. His admirers are poor. He then suddenly hit upon a great plan to visit West i.e America and give them the ancient wisdom of India and in return bring back the scientific knowledge to India.
He recalled the earnest request of his friends who encouraged him to go to west and represent India in the forthcoming Parliament of Religions. He especially remembered the words of the friends in Khatiawar who had been the first to encourage him to go to west: 'Go and take it by storm and then return'.
He then decided to visit west and represent India which would surely help to rise India.
Swami Vivekananda, the great monk of all the times sitting on the rock went in to deep meditation and had thus realized the main reason for the downfall of India and had found the remedy to regenerate and rise India.
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