We, humans, crave for success and happiness in our life, but how many of us really achieve it? Apparently, many people achieve success, but if we go deep inside, we find very few to be happy with their life. If we analyze the reason, we shall find the root cause to be dissatisfaction. We are not happy with what we get. And this creates a turmoil in our life.
Let's take a small hypothetical example to elaborate the meaning. A person doesn't earn so he longs for a job. After a lot of effort, he gets a job with a salary of Rs. 10,000 pm. He becomes happy and thinks that he is successful to achieve his aim. After some days, or months or years, he discovers that his colleague is earning Rs. 15,000 and in his mind he feels dissatisfaction and longs to earn like his friend. He tries a new job and manages to earn 15,000 this time but again after sometime he finds someone earning more than he does and again becomes unhappy. Thus, he initiates a self-made competition that never ends, and it results utter dissatisfaction despite earning sufficient.
This was just an example. Same goes with everything in life. We want something in life, be it money, education, pleasure or company; our expectation and greed just increases after every single layer we achieve. Finally one day we understand the improbability of achieving our ever increasing desire and that leads to utter dissatisfaction and agony of mind. We get many materialistic things, but still our thirst of desire doesn't get quenched, we live with a never-ending pain.
You may ask, 'life is painful, so would we not try to be successful and sit idle?' Well, In order to get the answer we need to know the meaning of success. We want success in life, but what do we mean by success? I don't know what you mean by "success", but for me, "success" is something that brings happiness to me, not only outwardly, but also inwardly. I may be a CEO of a multinational company, I may generate revenue in billions every year, I may have the most beautiful woman in life, yet what of that, if I don't find happiness; what's the use of getting everything without a smile in my heart; a smile that even a poor farmer smiles every evening? I want to enjoy life like king Nero, but I die a death of Dr. Faustus! Thus, according to my view, success and happiness go hand-in-hand.
So what's the remedy? Well, it's simple. Being satisfied with what we have is the key to happiness and success. Bur It doesn't mean that we won't try for our improvement or move on in life. We shall definitely move on, but at the same time, we need to ensure that we don't feel any malice to others' success and that we don't regret if we fail in doing something.
The doctrine of being happy and successful is indeed very simple: work hard, try honestly, but don't long for any specific result. Work tirelessly, and enjoy work, but ask nothing in return, for this expectation binds us and does not let us focus into work. If we follow these simple steps, we shall definitely become happy and successful.
We would love to end this topic with Swami Vivekananda's view on success. We're sure that if you have any doubt from the above written excerpt, the following comment of Swamiji will erase that doubt and enlighten your mind.
'The great secret of true success, of true happiness...is this: the man who asks for no return, the perfectly unselfish man, is the most successful. It seems to be a paradox. Do we not know that every man who is unselfish in life gets cheated, gets hurt? Apparently, yes. "Christ was unselfish, and yet he was crucified." True, but we know that his unselfishness is the reason, the cause of a great victory — the crowning of millions upon millions of lives with the blessings of true success.'
Let's take a small hypothetical example to elaborate the meaning. A person doesn't earn so he longs for a job. After a lot of effort, he gets a job with a salary of Rs. 10,000 pm. He becomes happy and thinks that he is successful to achieve his aim. After some days, or months or years, he discovers that his colleague is earning Rs. 15,000 and in his mind he feels dissatisfaction and longs to earn like his friend. He tries a new job and manages to earn 15,000 this time but again after sometime he finds someone earning more than he does and again becomes unhappy. Thus, he initiates a self-made competition that never ends, and it results utter dissatisfaction despite earning sufficient.
This was just an example. Same goes with everything in life. We want something in life, be it money, education, pleasure or company; our expectation and greed just increases after every single layer we achieve. Finally one day we understand the improbability of achieving our ever increasing desire and that leads to utter dissatisfaction and agony of mind. We get many materialistic things, but still our thirst of desire doesn't get quenched, we live with a never-ending pain.
You may ask, 'life is painful, so would we not try to be successful and sit idle?' Well, In order to get the answer we need to know the meaning of success. We want success in life, but what do we mean by success? I don't know what you mean by "success", but for me, "success" is something that brings happiness to me, not only outwardly, but also inwardly. I may be a CEO of a multinational company, I may generate revenue in billions every year, I may have the most beautiful woman in life, yet what of that, if I don't find happiness; what's the use of getting everything without a smile in my heart; a smile that even a poor farmer smiles every evening? I want to enjoy life like king Nero, but I die a death of Dr. Faustus! Thus, according to my view, success and happiness go hand-in-hand.
So what's the remedy? Well, it's simple. Being satisfied with what we have is the key to happiness and success. Bur It doesn't mean that we won't try for our improvement or move on in life. We shall definitely move on, but at the same time, we need to ensure that we don't feel any malice to others' success and that we don't regret if we fail in doing something.
The doctrine of being happy and successful is indeed very simple: work hard, try honestly, but don't long for any specific result. Work tirelessly, and enjoy work, but ask nothing in return, for this expectation binds us and does not let us focus into work. If we follow these simple steps, we shall definitely become happy and successful.
We would love to end this topic with Swami Vivekananda's view on success. We're sure that if you have any doubt from the above written excerpt, the following comment of Swamiji will erase that doubt and enlighten your mind.
'The great secret of true success, of true happiness...is this: the man who asks for no return, the perfectly unselfish man, is the most successful. It seems to be a paradox. Do we not know that every man who is unselfish in life gets cheated, gets hurt? Apparently, yes. "Christ was unselfish, and yet he was crucified." True, but we know that his unselfishness is the reason, the cause of a great victory — the crowning of millions upon millions of lives with the blessings of true success.'
Happiness defends the quality of ur thoughts