Let's solve this in Vivekananda style. According to Swami Vivekananda, the epoch-making world teacher, a solid character must be formed to break all difficulties. To quote His own words:

Indeed, yes, we need to form a firm character first. It is our character that will shape our thoughts and these thoughts will shape our actions in return. And it is obvious that our good action will contribute in making a good nation.
How to make good characters? There are many ways. Being with honest people, reading good books, respecting others, loving everyone; these would help to form a good character.
The best way has been directed by Swami Vivekananda Himself: "Character is repeated habits, and habits alone can reform character."
It means, in our day to day life, we have to form good habits. We must not think harm of anyone, come what may- this resolution has to be taken. If we find anyone doing anything wrong, we should assist him doing the correct thing, does not matter what he thinks. This should be the attitude.
A strong character can set a good example for thousand others. Swami Vivekananda is one such example. There are many. Why can't we set such examples?
We can build character and make a difference. Let's start the process, now, to make our planet better.
Thanks brother for this beautiful article. The topic you have chosen is no doubt the most important one in this present era. We need 'MAN', not of flesh & blood only, Man with a Character, & that's the only need of the world. I think true education can make man as well as can change the situation of a nation. Obviously this education must not be merely the degree-giving one, it must have a 'man-making' mission. May Swamiji Bless us to arrange such education for people!