
Saturday, 2 March 2013

We are Petrified

We are petrified with the incident that took place in Delhi. The dark shadow of infamous rape case has not been dissolved yet from our memory, and now a 7-year old girl was raped in her school. Is this a civilized country we are living in?
We are immensely terrified by this incident. No negative adjective can describe the mentality of people who tend to do this kind of shameful act. May they be civilized now- that's all we pray.

Till the time we try to understand the meaning of civilization, till the time we arouse humanity within us, till the time we respect ourselves, there is no chance of improvement of our Nation, for we represent our nation. We speak much about respecting women, but people who assault women, don't have any self-respect. People without self-respect can never respect anyone else.

We know that the Govt. Of India is not going to punish any of these criminals, for it pampers them, yet we shall hope that the criminals will reap what they have sowed

1 comment:

  1. Shame on u this kind of humans,I think they worst than animals


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