
Sunday, 24 February 2013

Strength is Life , Weakness is Death

Friends today we will try to understand the following Swamijis Quote:
"Let positive, strong, helpful thoughts enter into your brains from very childhood. Lay yourselves open to these thoughts, and not to weakening and paralysing ones."

Swamiji always hated weakness. Today many people are very weak minded, Why? In many cases from our childhood our parents, teachers, friends have told us, "See if you don't do this or if you do this, this and that will happen... " . This kind of treatment have made us weak. In some cases we believe in what others say about us regarding our weakness, before we do it in practice. So therefore Swamiji says , "Let positive , strong, helpful thoughts enter into your brains from childhood". We all have to live upon this positive and strong thoughts and never allow weakness to overcome our mind. Many people just keep brooding over weakness. Sitting at the corner and weeping will make no difference , this type of state will make one paralyzed. We don't want that, the remedy for that is to fill our brains day and night with positive thoughts. We can see in Life of Shivaji Maharaj how his Mother (Maa Saheb Jijaau) trained Shivaji from childhood . Also in case of Swamiji himself it was his Mother Bhuvaneshwari Devi who trained him. Swamiji says "I am indebted to my mother for the efflorescence of my knowledge." Now some may ask from where to get positive thoughts ? Answer is, in tons of ways. We can read inspirational and positive books, meditation, involving ourselves in good peaceful and positive atmosphere,etc. Best source of inspiration and positive thoughts you will get from Swami Vivekananda's teachings, Maa Sarada Devi's teachings and Sri Ramakrishna's teachings. I hope we also try to inject positive , strong thoughts in ourselves and also into others.

In a nutshell, we have to work in practice. We shouldn't just sit and think idle of a problem, because it won't help us. Let's face difficulties in the field of work and overcome the negatives.

1 comment:

  1. This is one of the best site where we can get many inspiring things...
    Really awesome article...
    Heartily thankfull to all of the supporters and contributors of this site for providing us with many inspiring things...

    Om Swami Vivekananda...


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